Monday, November 06, 2006


without having my computer with me the last week, it's enabled me to have lots of thinking/musing/look at old magazines time. & i thought a lot about what i sort of mentioned before. changes. & how changes can be good, bad or a combination of both. & growing...i think all change makes one embrace growth (even if it's sometimes with a grimace).

in thinking about why i've been so sick (i really do think i'm finally on an upswing - thank god)...why i haven't slowed down, why i haven't even had time to think about what might be causing me to hit a new level of health low...i came up with this: i'm lacking focus...focus on's been all about my students, or my business, or my dog, or my husband, or my crazy schedule, or getting this here & that there & it's all got to be done now, lists, lists, lists - everywhere there are to-do lists...& i think i might have forgotten little ole me in the process of growing my business & living my life...

so some changes are in order. i've been thinking on what exactly those might be...& talking it over with the mister too. so far, we've come up with sunday being *my* chill day, absolutely no sprout studio work, no go here, be there, go go! it's total, absolute, 100% all about jenifer taking down time...nap time...being a sloth time...whatever i want to do time. & that will be difficult, yet rewarding for me. i've pushed & pushed with my business & finances & plans & goals...& my body finally said no more. so i need to listen to that...even though i know it will be very difficult to feel like i'm letting go some of the things i've been striving for, i know my health comes first...& knowing that, and acknowledging that, & coming to accept that is where i need to be...& i'm getting artists we need rejuvenation time & healthy investigation/inquisitive/look around times...but we also need fallow time, where not doing anything is that we might *sprout* :) up with new, fresh ideas.

& i'm on my way to that re-energize time...even though it's technically coming right before the 'crazy' holiday times...i need to respect my body & heed it's decisions or i'll never get well...

so i'll still be posting fun things & blogging -- but i'll just be more on that 'when i can get to it' rather than the, 'right this absolute minute' -- thanks for reading along!

as soon as my little ole mac comes back, i'll post some photos!



Kerstin Svendsen said...

hi jenifer, i'm glad you're on the mend and taking care of yourself. would love it if you stopped by the holiday party/sale if you're feeling up to it. would be so nice to meet you! it'll be from 3-7 pm. (will post more info on it later.)
take care!

Vi said...

i love the fact that your taking more time to focus on living life, being jenifer. it's delicious...