today we are 9. on a friday in april of 2001 we had decided a courthouse date was in order. we didn't tell anyone, we didn't call the parents. we secretly worked on blessing invitations for later in june with the thought that we would drop them in the mail later that day announcing our little rendezvous with the courthouse.
we thought we needed a witness so we had flown in our dear friend jb from colorado to be that for us. alas, we didn't need one, but we were happy to have him with us anyways, especially since we didn't let on what we were doing that morning... 'hey john, ya wanna go for a bike ride with us?' he very dutifully snapped some photos for us while we ate at the donut dinette to celebrate the morning ride. then we were off biking along the water over to the courthouse. the mister rode me on his handlebars & i was in my daisy flip flops & vintage dress & he was in his flops & shorts. it was a beautiful spring day!
we had this super duper old man -- mr. tonnelson - marry us. he'd been marrying navy couples FORever in norfolk, virginia. he carried his little typewriter with him into the room, laboriously typed our names on a little yellow sticky & stuck it over where "do you, *jenifer* (insert yellow sticky here) take..." & then we exchanged plastic crown shaped candy colored rings from the 25 cent bubble gum machine with each other. john, wanting to be the perfect wedding host, bought us our 'wedding cake' -- a honeybun from the vending machine down the hallway :)
afterwards we biked back around norfolk, shot some photos at some iconic places (in front of huge navy ships & statues) & had a pizza & drink at a local greek pizza joint, orapax, where the waitresses are never very nice to you & they blast crazy greek music out into the hood. we three ended up back at our apartment all napping in one bed together. nice honeymoon right? i got to sleep with two men ;)
we popped the invites for our blessing backyard party for later in june in the mail thinking everyone would find out on monday, but, the ultra efficient norfolk post delivered a lot of them on saturday. i had taken a line from a.a. milne's book, now we are six, and typed 'now that we are five'...with a little request for people to come celebrate with us on the invites. needless to say, we received lots of messages on our machine inquiring as to whether we had just gotten hitched or not.
thus, we had to go find the parentals the next morning & tell all so they didn't find out from someone else.
that summer was crazy: blessing ceremonies, broken ankles, quit jobs, graduate school, move across the country to SF... all stories for another day :)
happy anniversary mister, hope we get 9x9 more :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
bxlx, me - celebrating 9 years married, 14 together
Monday, April 26, 2010
some more skate fun
Bob Lake In SF: April 23, 2010 from 3131 on Vimeo.
video by yong-ki, of the solitary arts -- the mister skates some more!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
reception tonight at the project sprout gallery!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
graft | structure exhibition
reminder that our 2nd exhibition in the project sprout gallery "graft | structure" is opening this saturday, april 24th from 6-9 pm. we will also have a closing on sunday, may 9, from 2-5pm if you cannot make the opening. we are also open via appointment, so give us a shout in the between time if you are unable to make the opening or closing :)
myself, jenifer lake :) & kerstin svendsen will be showing botanical based pieces. mine are folklore about medicinal plants & dogpatch history & kerstin is showing sewn leaf pieces & watercolors. our necklace collaborations (shown below) will also be available at the show!
please come see us & spread the word, we would love to see you!
Monday, April 19, 2010
april necklace of the month collaboration
kerstin svendsen is our april lady - she has two gorgeous watercolor options for you. sprout studio & one artist collaborate each month to create lovely glass piece necklaces. scoop yours up here: april pretty
pass along the loveliness; i'm sure some special mama's out there might like one of these for mother's day :)
happy monday! (ps - it's meat free monday!!!)
Friday, April 16, 2010
friday good times video brought to you by the solitary arts
Sunday, April 11, 2010
big sur heart
i never tire of the coast; ever. it is so beautiful, no matter the weather. we camped a few nights in big sur & then a little further south this past week - it was fantastic weather & we got some "do nothing" time in. back to work tomorrow & the ever growing to do list!
Monday, April 05, 2010
road trip'n
...this is from last year's spring break & our cross country in 8 days trip -- we aren't going coast to coast this year, but we are heading out in our beloved ruby-nell 78 bus for some coastal camping. see you later loves! have a good week :)