Sunday, November 25, 2007

turkey no turkey day

turkey no turkey day, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

the gratitude list that will never really be finished: mister, my dixie loo dog, great neighbors, my family so far away, fresh flowers, yummy food that i can eat when my ibs isn't flaring up, living in san francisco because i love it so, inspirational art viewings, long coastal drives that clear my mind, down-time (isn't everyone grateful for these?), art friends, blog friends, business buddies, old time friends, bff's, new friends, and friends since ages and ages ago... job teaching kiddo's art, my home, music, new discoveries, old discoveries found, long walks by the water, quiet times, raucous times, settled times & simple times...farmer's market runs, flea market runs, jogs by the bay, biking into work, smiles on strangers faces, watching strangers laugh to themselves, people watching, baking in the wintertime, drinking tea in the afternoon...

...long cross country trips, european travels, planning long trips (hello alaska here we come summer 08), a pleasant glass of unwinding wine, watching dixie run at the beach, thrift store shopping, thrift store scores (even better), laughing with my mister, watching films that move me, dancing around like a silly girl with dixie when no one is home (!), feeling gratified and satisfied with my small sprout studio business...

...i suppose i could go on & on...but i'll's your turn to add the list :)

thanks to all that peek in here on occasion and see what's doin' with me...i'm grateful for you too.



pixiegenne said...

happy turkey no turkey day!
thankful for lots of similar stuff, including my bloggy friends like you.

Lisa Braithwaite said...

Happy tofurkey day! We actually had our tofurkey a couple of days early, because there's no bringing fake meat to the family gathering. My tummy didn't take it well, but it's once (or twice, with sandwiches) a year, so I suck it up.

If you're going to Anchorage next summer, let me know. Rudester and I were there a few years back and there's some great sightseeing right outside of town. It's actually amazing that you drive a minute out of town and you're in the wilderness. Gorgeous!