Saturday, December 31, 2005

go see *this* movie...or, better yet...just listen & read...

so for new year's eve day we went to go see "walk the line" - the new movie about johnny & june...anyone that knows us...well, you know we love them. so it was a must see...and you'll know how busy we've been when you know we *just* got to the theatre today to go see it. it was totally good...i just love them and was so sad when june passed away...and of course, johnny just couldn't do it w/o her and had to leave us too.........

if you don't listen to their stuff, do so. it's wonderful music. all of it. them together, just her, just him...and carter family music. wonderful.

so. happy *new-new* year...2006!!!!!!! good golly...march is going to be my 1 yr. anniversary for sprout world and celebrations & happenings are a-brewing and a-swirling about in my brain...more about that later for sure!! (a special treat for *all* who have ordered from me in the last year - yahoo - it's a secret till march!)

we are off to watch fireworks from the top of our hill as long as we don't fall asleep first...ha. right now we are both in front of our macs w/ ms. dixie-loo smooshed in between...happy computer vegetable blogging, bl photo editing...hehe...

if you're a lucky duck, we'll post some fireworks pictures over the bay bridge...we'll see ;)

kisses lovies and don't make any resolutions you can't keep!!!! keep 'em, eat more dark chocolate...why yes, i can do that in the new year!!! &...sleep in on every single saturday in january...i can do that too!!!!

cheers! 4 more hours till '06 for us on the west coast of the states........most of you east coast side and across the fair ocean are already snoozing in the new year!


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

shopping mommies

shopping mommies, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

check out this adopt a site too...

sweet pea handcrafts

sweet pea handcrafts, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

new adopt a site -- she's having a fun sale right now too - check out sweet pea!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

hols 1

hols 1, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

a few photos from the day...

...& listening to the stone roses right now...i listened to them to death in 12th grade and i still love them...i haven't listened to them in a looonggggg time...i guess that's one of the things to look forward to in getting remembering about listening to certain things...hehe...that was a tangent...

...anyone reading my little bloggy here, i'll be starting to post my sale stuff tonight...

...and this coming month i might have another little "first 3 people to read this get a sprout studio goodie contest" i'll post more on this later....

cheers for now lovelies!

hols 3

hols 3, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

and another...

hols 2

hols 2, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

gifties for *me*

gg bridge

gg bridge, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

i absolutely love this bridge, and my city...a little reminder...

...and, i'll be better about pictures b/c i think i might be getting a little digi of my own (since a certain someone broke my other -- boo hoo)

*big ole sale a-comin'...*

...okay, on the way, as promised, is a big sale -- some stuff until it sells, some stuff for just a bit...lots of earrings & 15" necklaces for sure...probably some paper goodies too...stay tuned...

Monday, December 05, 2005

it's about that time...

...for a new little post...been a busy queen bee packaging up orders and getting ready for the next 4 shows i'll be doing! the next 2 weeks are going to be *crazy* for me...i'll be super happy for a little respite when we are due for some down time!

...around the studio/home...we are going with a live tree this year: meaning, friends of the urban forest, a group here in sf, will drop off a live tree for your holiday and pick it up and plant in a neighborhood around these parts...! how great is that? no chopping down trees for us (although i have enjoyed that immensely in the past, and we were seconds away from doing just that this year) there is something in me that is quite joyously happy about our live tree that will continue to live after we are done holiday-ing & being super festive with her...we picked an olive tree - so pretty! i can't wait to get her and decorate her with all my funky handmade doo-dad ornaments!

...picked up this totally cool nature encyclopedia from the 20's today - i want to do a serious of these illustrations cut up and colored perhaps, and then destined for glass pieces...there are some really cool ones...i'm not near my camera or i'd shoot some pics for ya...later maybe (i know i promised pics before...sorry!)

...let's see...going to go out for roasted dungeness crab & garlic noodles this week...we have a house guest and apparently, we are super behind in things we were supposed to have already done while living in sf - which is eating dungeness crab and garlicky well...that's why house guests make you do all those touristy things in your own town you never do...i'll let you know what we've been missing out on... a good deal of wool roving sent to me by another crafter that had too much...i'm so excited to try and felt with this stuff - i got a book too - "simply felt" - which should help me nicely on my way...i love trying new things!!

...and let's see...i'm going to post links to fabulous things that i want for the holidays so you can see all those amazing indie designers that are out, no, not so you can buy them for me, but so you can be green with envy too!! (tee hee) ...& once i figure out the linking deal, which thank you so much to my new u.k. friend ;) i should be well on my way to mastering this blog -- ha ha!

...that's all for now...hope the hols are shaping up to be lots of fun and not too a perfect world, i know...

xoxox --
