Thursday, October 12, 2006

new car - yeehaw!

new car - yeehaw!, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

so, i bought a new-to-me car...a little red convertible vw cabrio...! i'm pretty happy - my neighbor that moved to london bequeathed her, her being 'little lady red' to me. now, i am so ready to don the jackie o scarf, stunnah shades & go flying down the coast with my dixie loo-loo's ears flapping in the wind with top down! anyone want to join me, give me a holler! :)


Vi said...

if you come flying down the coast jackie o style ya gotta fly this way!

Pootlecat said...

very very cool!

natasha said...

we have a red golf and i love her. your car is soooo cute! and made even cuter by the cutie lady in it. wooot!