Wednesday, February 20, 2008

let's help spring along giveaway!

hi favorite bloggy friends,

i did a little studio cleansing and re-organize and discovered i have some sprout studio treasures i'd like to pass along to you. so to help spring into fruition and to help get a gal even a little bit more organized, i'd thought i would have a little giveaway. what do you need to do you say? well, not too much! to get a slice o' the sprout pie treat, just leave me your name & an email i can contact you at and *you* just might be a lucky duck. i have a few things, so i'll either give a coupla goodies away now or host another one real soon!

i'll leave this up for a week; so you get 7 days to enter, then, i'll draw and let everyone know who the special peeps are!

happy almost spring!



kmdegroot said...

fun! oh how is wish it were time for spring cleaning in my neck of the woods already...

Homegrown {& the Bug} said...

Oh righteous! I only wish I was this motivated to start my spring cleaning early :)

lisa solomon said...

ha! i was cleaning the studio today too...

dying to know what treasures you are giving up :)

hope you are good.....

Anonymous said...

ohhhkay! count me in! (good idea too, :)

blue star diner!! i just replied on my blog.... can't believe you've eaten there!! you from virginia then? :)

Katrina said...

what fun! i think the spring cleaning bug is seriously in the air. i would love to know what treasures you are offering up. (your jewelry is dreamy.) and i'm glad you are inspired by the white elephant sale. it's epic. happy weekend to you...

kelly barton art + design said...

oh...i am loving this!
i need to do some spring cleaning myself!

bee said...

ohh super....but only if you don't mind shipping over the pond.

Pootlecat said...

Excellent - giveaways are brilliant! K & I are loving your continued postings of the Europe adventure btw!

Unknown said...

I love your jewelry and your blog!

Ileana said...

Pick me! Pick me! :)

michelle said...

i am always so envious of your vintage bead supplies! I can never find anything cute like that! Love your work!