Friday, March 14, 2008

bitty german pinecones & the spring fling winner 2!

bitty german pinecones, originally uploaded by sproutgirl74.

getting right down to business: the spring fling winner 2 would be ms lovely lesley who's busily planning a wedding (yay!) & because i was feeling frisky, i pulled another name out of the proverbial hat -- so the next winner, would be the inspiring lisa s!

congrats sweet ladies, shoot me an email when you get a chance and i'll hook you up (at some point - katrina, i'm still a wee behind in getting yours out -- eep!)

i'm off to the woods for the weekend to accompany some restless middle schoolers on their graduation retreat.

have a lovely weekend friends!

1 comment:

Pootlecat said...

woohoo woohoo - so exciting! thank you, lovely Jen! I've just been trawling through letterpress wedding invites trying to get K interested and decided to deviate by some blog reading - what a good idea as you've just made my day! Hope you and Mister B are both well!