Tuesday, January 26, 2010

& a g'mornin' to ya

just peeking out & saying hey, & remember that my inaugural project gallery show is THIS saturday people....bay area folks please come say hi to me. (& out of the area folks too, oh my, any east coast, mid west friends flying in? hee hee...)

and i'm here to tell you - dranking too much whiskey & eating too much vegan haggis last night is not a way to wake up early with kiddos at the waiting. we celebrated robert burns, scottish poet & populist hero, with my englishman neighbor-friend. we also read lovely sweet poems & some naughty ones to boot!

off to listen to some bluegrass tonight & finish up some framing of some i-pola's for my domestiCity show! eep!


Vi said...


You look flY.

bonneyboys said...

ARGH! You are so darn cute. Love the cloche (bet you made it, no?), love the mug, love the "it's too early and I'm a tad hung-over" look in your eyes, love YOU!