how i was roped into watching 5, yes *five* cats this week i'm not quite sure...probably b/c the mister is the cat person and *extremely* amiable and always willing to watch the neighbors kitties...and since he's not here, guess who is?! so on one end of the hall are two kitties & on the other are three (that's a lot of kitties in one space). dixie loo gets to accompany me and whirl herself all up in a dervish b/c she *adores* kitties; too much so actually; she's way to curious. there is one ole kitty named big gordon that belongs to our great friend, needless to say, big g is an outdoor kitty who does not take to kindly to super curious doggies snuffling around them, thus dixie got her first tragic eye swipe that she still sports as a little floaty eyelid piece to show for a trophy. she doesn't really seem to get it though; she loves to still stick her big ole snuffly nose in the kitties faces - remarkably, they are quite compliant and hiss when they've had enough and run away. dixie just lovesssss them. (rolls eyes) goofy dog. the kitties are cool, but i'm a dog person all the way.
so i watched monsieur ibrahim on my netflix while visiting with kitty set #2. (& while dixie tried to be a sneaky pete and eat their little kitty treats...rolls eyes again) the movie was sweet, but a little long.
i also began reading lolita in tehran this morning while waiting TWENTY EIGHT minutes for the bus to finally freakin' show up packed to the gills...hello i am a sardine. i cannot even begin to express to you the rage, yes, i'll be bold, rage that boils up in me at inefficient public transportation. drives. me. totally. insane. most of the time i get so fed up i walk. but honestly, i have blisters on my toes from wearing cute new shoes to school and not taking them off in it sucks to walk 45 minutes home with boo boo toes...thus, the bus rage insues. i'm going to get another bike lock for my bike-that-sort-of-stops this weekend so i can at least bike in occasionally. (other lock got cut after lost key incident...rolls eyes a third time). but seriously, my other 2 fancy schmancy bikes that actually had good brakes and gears got now i have the beater special - cute little basket, red, fun, look like the wicked witch of the west know the one...but she's not a hill bike, nor a stop in a swift situation kind of she's a in-the-flats kinda bike. but i can still ride her down around the water and then park her and hike up the mountain to school. much preferred morning atmosphere to seething bus attitude morning...oh! but back to the book, seems promising as i read through 6 chapters this morning!
i'm participating in 2 different give aways on 2 different blogs: the super cool modish blog & the hip new indie fixx blog -- modish is jena, indie fixx is jen, and sprout studio is jenifer! ha! anyways, if you go and sign up for their newsletters, you might be a very lucky person! support indie always!!
off to teach some kiddos...
5 hours ago
lol, it's sounds like your all back in the swing, omg i can't believe about the cat thingy, that's beyond funny except for the fact i'm a little afraid of dogs and cats so..... i'm sorry about your public transportation rage but i totally know the feeling cause whenever i decide to take muni it turns out to be a royal mess, and it's like..... really? but biking around the city is going to be a little like, bike messenger intense! well not really but still, and i like your bike! it's the nifty one you got this summer right????? uhhhhh, working off of three and a half hours of sleep and tonight we don't even have lights out so it's going to be even worse. catalina. catalina. rah. rah. rah.
ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Walking with sore tootsies is so not cool! How you liking Reading Lolita? I am finding it fascinating. I went to Iran a couple of years back, so that all adds to my reading experience. I can't sing the books praises highly enough - for a piece of non-fiction it is really captivatingly written.
i'm really looking forward to getting into it more this weekend, i haven't had time to pick it back up! (which is good and means the bus has been more on time!)
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