Wednesday, November 22, 2006


well, i'm stumped. i don't understand why i can't post my flickr photos anymore. flickr won't get back to me & i see that other blogger folks are posting their photos just fine. right when i'm ready to post up a flurry, this happens...grump, grump, grump...

but tomorrow will come a 'grateful/thanks' post followed by my 'buy nothing day' post...aka, or 'buy local, handmade' post...

hope all you turkey americans enjoy a bird free day...i hear tell neighbors are cooking up a quorn veggie roast that is too scrumptious, we'll see (& *perhaps* you will see if i figure out what's up with the flickr world not liking my blogger world...sigh...)



Vi said...

as a newly established vegetarian i actually will be enjoying a turkey free turkey day.

life, tis a fat child.

mi2 said...


the link from doesn't works well for me sometimes. I started uploading images to blogger from my computer or just copy the html code and paste into blogger directly. But you are also on mac, so there could be other glitches. HTH. =)

Anonymous said...

are you posting with a title? I found I could only post if I put a title in. I also sorted my bogger upgrade glitch by deleting my blog from flickr and then reinstating it. I'd try the title thing though.